What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

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Aside from what's usually seen as the primary benefit of liposuction surgery — getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat for a slimmer new look — this popular procedure offers a long list of additional benefits that can be life-changing for patients in more ways than one. At Sawan Surgical Aesthetics, Oklahoma City, OK board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan is committed to helping men and women feel more confident and comfortable in their appearance with a complete range of body contouring procedures, including liposuction. Take a closer look at the potential benefits liposuction may have to offer you, and discover how you can join the many patients who have finally achieved their ultimate aesthetic goals with liposuction surgery.

What happens during liposuction?

Each liposuction is customized by Dr. Sawan to align with the patient's individual needs, goals, preferences, and more. Generally speaking, Dr. Sawan performs liposuction surgery as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia. A handheld wand, called a cannula, is inserted beneath the skin via a small incision near the treatment area, and Dr. Sawan breaks up the stubborn fat and suctions it out of the body. Over the next several weeks, as postoperative swelling subsides, patients will begin to notice a slimmer, smoother new contour.

Why should I consider liposuction?

Choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery is a personal decision that should be carefully discussed with your surgeon. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sawan will answer any questions you may have and will outline the potential benefits that liposuction may offer. Some of the most exciting benefits of liposuction surgery may include:

  • Can be used almost anywhere on the body, including beneath the chin and on the neck
  • Fat removal with liposuction is long-term, meaning the targeted fat cells will not return
  • May be possible to remove up to 6 – 8 pounds of fat in a single procedure
  • Achieve a slimmer, smoother physique
  • High-definition (HD) liposuction can enhance muscle definition
  • Patients can lose several inches or clothing sizes with liposuction
  • Clothing fits better and more comfortably
  • Enhanced comfort with physical activity
  • Boosted self-esteem, which can improve relationships, work, and more
  • Minimal incisions, scarring, and recovery time

Is liposuction permanent?

When discussing the benefits of liposuction, many patients find the opportunity for fat removal to be particularly compelling. While it is true that fat cells removed during liposuction will not return to the body, patients should keep in mind that the cosmetic outcome of liposuction — meaning how many inches or pounds are lost — is not necessarily considered indefinite and can be greatly affected by future weight gain. Gaining weight after liposuction can cause the remaining fat cells in the body, including in the area previously treated, to swell. This can add inches and pounds back to the patient and theoretically “reverse" their liposuction results. Still, patients who are committed to maintaining a stable, healthy weight after liposuction surgery can expect to enjoy their slimmer, sexier new figure for years or even decades to come.

Transform your body and change your life with liposuction in Oklahoma City, OK

Beyond slimming down, liposuction has the potential to change a person's life and make them more confident than ever. If you're tired of struggling with stubborn fat and low self-esteem associated with your physique, take the first step toward a whole new you by calling Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to schedule your Oklahoma City liposuction consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.