Can You Have a Celebrity Tummy Tuck Right After Pregnancy?

woman with heart over belly

After nine long months of carrying a baby, many mothers are understandably anxious to feel more like themselves again after giving birth. While you may need to wait a bit longer to undergo cosmetic surgery than you’d like, the long-term benefits are well worth it. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan and the award-winning team at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics in Oklahoma City, OK understand the physical and emotional toll that pregnancy takes on a woman and are committed to helping patients look and feel confident once again with a full range of mommy makeover procedures, including the celebrity tummy tuck. Discover the exciting results that are possible with tummy tuck surgery here, and find out when it may be safe and appropriate to consider plastic surgery after pregnancy.

What is a celebrity tummy tuck?

Also known as 3D abdominoplasty, Dr. Sawan’s signature celebrity tummy tuck takes the traditional tummy tuck one step further by also addressing the patient’s lower back and flanks for a more complete transformation. This helps to create better proportions and a more appealing look from all angles. Common concerns that can be dramatically improved with a celebrity tummy tuck after pregnancy include:

  • Loose, hanging skin
  • Saggy stomach
  • Stubborn fat
  • Belly pooch
  • Muffin top
  • Love handles
  • Stretch marks
  • Hernia
  • Diastasis recti

How does 3D abdominoplasty work?

During celebrity tummy tuck in Oklahoma City, which may take about 2 – 4 hours to complete, Dr. Sawan will place an incision on the lower abdomen. The length of the incision may vary depending on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed and the patient’s other concerns. In the majority of cases, liposuction is performed as part of 3D abdominoplasty to remove stubborn fat and create an even smoother, slimmer, more natural-looking contour. The abdominal muscles will be tightened and reinforced to correct any separation, and excess skin will be trimmed. The remaining skin will then be pulled taut over the newly sculpted abdomen and secured with sutures. If needed, the belly button will be repositioned.

How long do you have to wait to get a tummy tuck after pregnancy?

It is completely normal and understandable to want to return to your pre-pregnancy shape as soon as possible after having a baby, but it is important to remember that your body has just been through an extreme physical process. It is essential that women allow themselves enough time to heal and recover from pregnancy and childbirth before undergoing a surgical procedure, especially one as extensive as 3D abdominoplasty, which may make it difficult to care for your new baby. In most cases, women are encouraged to wait at least 6 – 12 months after giving birth to undergo tummy tuck surgery.

Some important steps to take before your post-pregnancy tummy tuck include:

  • Allow your body time to heal
  • Return to a healthy, stable weight with diet and exercise
  • Finish breastfeeding
  • Be prepared for a fairly extensive recovery period
  • Consider whether you are done having children

Because future pregnancies can significantly compromise or even reverse the results of a tummy tuck, patients are encouraged to defer their procedure until they are certain they are done having children. However, should you become pregnant after tummy tuck surgery, a second or subsequent procedure can likely help to restore your pre-baby figure once again.

Say goodbye to your mom bod with celebrity tummy tuck in Oklahoma City, OK

Once you have recovered from pregnancy and childbirth, concluded breastfeeding, and decided that your family is complete, you may be ready to restore your pre-pregnancy figure with celebrity tummy tuck surgery. To learn more about the incredible transformations that are possible with 3D abdominoplasty in Oklahoma City, OK, call Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to schedule your one-on-one consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.