What is Chin Augmentation?
Chin enhancement surgery (or chin augmentation) is a successful aesthetic procedure that recontours the chin and lower face if you have a recessive chin, or if you feel your chin is too prominent. Often when a chin is too small, it can create a lack of profile definition. In these cases, several aesthetic enhancements can be performed to improve the appearance of your chin, and one of the most common procedures is placing a silicone implant to build a more prominent jawline and a more appealing profile. You can also have this surgery at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to remove bone to reduce your chin and jaw for a more balanced look. In Oklahoma City, OK, plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan offers many alternatives to consider for your chin augmentation. Aside from implants, which are produced in various sizes and shapes, noninvasive treatments, such as injectable fillers or KYBELLA, can be used to add contour.
Can I Have Chin Augmentation?
If you are displeased by the appearance of your chin and dislike the profile it creates, this cosmetic enhancement can improve the lower aspect of your facial structure to create a balanced, aesthetically pleasing profile. It's also fairly common for our patients to add a rhinoplasty to their chin augmentation to create an even more balanced appearance. You may be a good candidate if you have:
- A recessed chin
- A lack of definition around your jawline
- A weak profile
- Facial imbalance
How Does Chin Augmentation Work?
During chin enhancement surgery, general anesthesia is used. In some cases sedation by IV may be used; Dr. Sawan will discuss these options with you in your consultation. The incision is made under your chin, and a pocket is formed to secure the implant device in place, which includes reducing some of the bone to create grooves to hold your implant in position. The chin implant is inserted through the incision and positioned over the bone, below your lower lip. In some cases, the incision can be created inside the lower lip where it connects to your gumline. Both types of incisions help to hide scars. Small sutures are used to safely close the incisions, and your lower face will be wrapped with bandages.
What Should I Expect After Chin Augmentation?
After your chin augmentation, you'll likely notice immediate results. Even though you will experience redness, swelling, and bruising following your surgery, this only lasts a short while and is perfectly normal. You can expect that you'll need a couple of weeks to fully recover, of which you'll need to avoid exercise. This particular surgery has historically high success rates and under the hands of a skilled surgeon, like Dr. Sawan, your outcome will be proportionate, refined, and should leave you feeling and looking even more beautiful.

Plan Your Procedure
- Average Cost
- $4,500 - $5,500
- Recovery Time
- 1 Week
- How Long It Takes
- 1.5 Hours
- Follow Up Time
- 1-2 days
- Procedure Recovery Location
- Outpatient
Define Your Profile
Chin enhancement surgery has proven to be extremely beneficial to many Oklahoma City, OK patients of plastic surgeon Dr. Sawan. It creates harmony and a balanced definition, delicately recontouring your facial features. If your jawline is the cause of self-consciousness and holds you back from feeling your best, chin augmentation can create the look you are wishing for. Contact Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kamal Sawan or to learn more about cost, financing, and insurance.