How Soon Can I Resume Exercise After Lower Body Lift Surgery?
A lower body lift contours your body when factors like pregnancy and weight loss cause problem areas in the abdomen, buttocks, lower back, and flanks. However, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions as provided by your plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City. Exercising too soon may cause complications and delay recovery.
Dr. Kamal Sawan understands the importance of getting back to your active lifestyle as soon as possible. That is why we provide patients with a thorough understanding of what to expect when working with Sawan Surgical Aesthetics. Call now to schedule a consultation and receive an individualized plan for your care.
What goes into a lower body lift?
Dr. Sawan places incisions around the beltline to allow for the removal of excess skin and fat. Our surgery takes between 4 – 7 hours, based on the individual and their treatment areas. A form of liposuction is used to contour the body, then the skin is pulled tight and sutured closed. We make sure to place incisions in areas that can be hidden with clothing, but some scarring is inevitable.
What to expect during lower body lift recovery
Swelling and inflammation are expected for several weeks after a lower body lift, which can be managed with prescription medications. Dr. Sawan will place a compression garment around your waist and/or lower body to help with healing. Drains may help with excess fluid buildup. Our detailed instructions provide information about incision care, when to return for follow-up appointments, and more.
What about activity levels after surgery?
It may be challenging to walk the first week after surgery because of the discomfort, but try to start moving around as soon as you feel comfortable. Movement encourages blood circulation and prevents blood clots. We recommend taking light walks around the house under the supervision of a friend or family member. It may take two weeks before you can resume normal, daily activities.
When can I exercise after a lower body lift?
Our plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City can clear you for specific exercises after surgery. Gradual increases in activity levels are allowed as your body heals. Avoid workouts that place unnecessary stress on the incisions and treatment areas.
Depending on your case, you may start light cardio and strength training exercises around the six-month mark. Listen to your body, and don’t push yourself too hard – this can cause serious complications.
When to call our office for help
We understand that recovery can be frustrating, especially if you are used to being active daily. Our staff is always available to answer questions and help you through any challenges. Call right away if you experience the following during lower body lift recovery:
- Fever
- Excessive bleeding
- Increasing pain or swelling in the treatment areas
- Redness or increased tenderness around the incisions
- Numbness, tingling, or changes in skin sensation
- Unusual drainage from the incisions or drains
Recovering from a lower body lift
Lower body lift recovery does require some patience, but following all post-operative instructions will help you heal quickly and safely. If you have questions about exercise after surgery, call Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to meet with an experienced plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City. When it comes to getting your body back, Dr. Kamal Sawan is here to help. We look forward to meeting you soon.