Is Tummy Tuck Worth It for Men Struggling with Belly Fat?
The belly — or midsection — is one of the most notorious problem areas when it comes to stubborn fat, particularly for men. Sometimes referred to as a "beer belly," excess fat in the midsection can be unsightly, uncomfortable, difficult to lose, and even harmful to a person's health. Even with the most dedicated efforts in the gym and with their diet, many men still struggle to lose stubborn belly fat — but we can help.
At Sawan Surgical Aesthetics, board-certified plastic surgeon and Oklahoma City male body contouring specialist Dr. Kamal Sawan offers a range of male-specific cosmetic surgeries designed to address resistant fat, loose skin, and other common barriers to achieving a more desirable male physique and an improvement in overall health. With 3D abdominoplasty specifically, men struggling with abdominal fat can slim down, shape up, and reduce their risk of certain health issues often associated with excess fat in the midsection. Take a closer look at the benefits of 3D tummy tuck for men here.
What does a tummy tuck do?
Tummy tuck surgery is primarily focused on re-contouring the midsection through skin removal and fat reduction. Additionally, a tummy tuck may involve tightening and reinforcing the abdominal muscles, particularly in the case of diastasis recti — or abdominal muscle separation — which is common in women who have had children or patients who have experienced rapid or extreme weight fluctuations.
Dr. Sawan takes tummy tuck surgery one step further with his 3D abdominoplasty, which also addresses the sides, flanks, and lower back (in some cases) to create a more well-rounded new look that can be enjoyed from each side. This is especially beneficial for men with stubborn belly fat, as they often accumulate fat around the midsection.
Can men get tummy tuck surgery?
Tummy tuck surgery continues to become more popular among men looking to slim down, lose stubborn belly fat, and/or get rid of loose, hanging stomach skin after weight loss. With the increased usage of weight loss injections that have helped patients achieve greater weight loss success, more men each year are turning to body contouring procedures — like the tummy tuck — as a final step in their weight loss transformation.
Because many men hold on to excess fat in their bellies, a tummy tuck can help to trim away loose skin after weight loss while reducing stubborn pockets of abdominal fat that didn't respond to their efforts in the same way as the rest of their body. Additionally, some men may choose to pair their tummy tuck with high-definition (HD) liposuction — which focuses on enhancing visible muscle definition through precise fat removal — to further transform their midsection.
Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck for men?
Because every patient's needs, goals, health history, and other variables are unique, Dr. Sawan will first conduct a thorough consultation and examination to determine whether a 3D tummy tuck may be safe, appropriate, and effective for you. Generally speaking, Oklahoma City candidates for male tummy tuck surgery should be:
- In good overall health
- Nonsmokers
- At or near their goal weight
- Have maintained a stable weight for at least 6 – 12 months
- Have loose, hanging skin and/or stubborn fat in the midsection
- Have exhausted their efforts with diet and exercise without achieving the expected or desired result
- Committed to maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle after the procedure
- Have realistic expectations for scarring and recovery
Again, Dr. Sawan will discuss these factors in detail during your tummy tuck consultation and help recommend a customized surgical plan that aligns with your ultimate aesthetic goals.
Say goodbye to stubborn belly fat and hello to a shredded new you with male tummy tuck surgery
If you're holding on to stubborn belly fat that hasn't responded to diet and exercise in the way the rest of your body has, and/or if you are self-conscious about loose abdominal skin after weight loss, a tummy tuck may be the life-changing solution you've been searching for. Take the final step in your ultimate transformation today and call Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to schedule your private consultation with Oklahoma City, OK board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan, and join the many men who have slimmed down and are boasting a smoother, firmer male physique with 3D tummy tuck surgery for men.