What is the Difference Between Liposuction and a Celebrity Tummy Tuck?
Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery are two popular ways to improve your appearance and body contours. Sawan Surgical Aesthetics is proud to provide advanced techniques like high-definition (HD) liposuction and 3D abdominoplasty for those who want to achieve specific aesthetic goals. So, what is the difference between these procedures, and how do they work?
Dr. Kamal Sawan is a trained board-certified plastic surgeon known for his work in cosmetic surgery. If you are interested in treatments like liposuction or a tummy tuck in Oklahoma City, OK, we can provide the answers you need. Call now for a consultation.
What is HD liposuction?
Traditional liposuction removes fat deposits from areas like the thighs, buttocks, belly, and arms to create a slimmer look. HD liposuction is unique because it reduces fat in specific areas to give the muscles more definition and shape. For example, Dr. Sawan can create the appearance of a six-pack by reducing and repositioning fat in the abdomen. Our high-definition procedure at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics can even enhance muscle groups, like the deltoids or chest muscles.
How does 3D abdominoplasty work?
Also known as a tummy tuck, abdominoplasty is a procedure that tightens the abdominal muscles and removes hanging skin and fat from the midsection. In many cases, surgery can also improve the appearance of stretch marks. Tummy tucks are often popular among patients who have lost a significant amount of weight or had children.
3D abdominoplasty at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics may be appropriate if your problem areas extend into the abdomen, lower back, and flanks (love handles). The goal of this cutting-edge procedure is to create a smooth, contoured appearance that is tailored to your individual body shape. Our clinic calls this the "celebrity tummy tuck" in Oklahoma City, OK, and it is popular among individuals who want dramatic results.
Which procedure is right for me?
The best way to choose a body contouring procedure is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sawan. Our team can review your goals, current physical condition, and medical history to develop a personalized treatment plan. We can also review the details of each procedure and what is involved with recovery. Patients are fully informed so they can make the best decision for their needs.
Generally, we recommend HD liposuction for patients who want pronounced muscles with more definition and shape. This is perfect for individuals who want to show off their six-pack without spending hours at the gym. 3D abdominoplasty is better for excess fat and loose skin in the abdomen, lower back, and flanks. Patients can enjoy a more proportionate and contoured midsection.
So, why choose Sawan Surgical Aesthetics for body contouring?
Our clinic is equipped with top-of-the-line tools and technology, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
Dr. Sawan is a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who can provide natural-looking results.
We understand that each patient is unique, and we will work with you to ensure that your needs are met.
Ask about body contouring
HD liposuction and 3D abdominoplasty are just two popular body contouring procedures available at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics. If you want to enhance the appearance of your midsection or other areas, contact us for an assessment. We may recommend a high-definition procedure or a tummy tuck in Oklahoma City, OK. Dr. Kamal Sawan would be happy to answer any questions and ensure you feel great about your results.