What to Know Before Getting a Lower Body Lift

woman's body

Losing weight is a common goal among people in the U.S. But once the pounds come off, what next? Many consider a lower body lift. This advanced procedure at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics contours and tones the lower body by removing excess skin and fat.

Dr. Kamal Sawan can provide everything you need to know about a lower body lift, including what this solution can do for you and how to best prepare for cosmetic surgery in Oklahoma City. Simply call our office to schedule a consultation and start your journey to an improved shape today.

Why choose a lower body lift?

Whether through traditional diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, weight loss changes your body in a number of positive and negative ways. While you may be thrilled with your new slender shape, loose skin folds and small fat deposits may still remain around the waistline. Lower body lift surgery addresses these problem areas and provides a more proportionate shape to your new weight.

What are the benefits of a lower body lift?

In addition to improving your appearance, a lower body lift also helps you enjoy a better quality of life. Loose skin and fat in the lower body area cause chafing, rashes, and other unwanted skin problems. Removing this tissue provides relief and makes it easier to maintain good hygiene. People feel more comfortable in their own skin and continue to make positive lifestyle changes that benefit their health.

What happens during a lower body lift consultation?

Before undergoing cosmetic surgery in Oklahoma City, all patients should attend a body lift consultation at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics. Dr. Sawan will perform an exam and ask about your medical history. We also discuss your goals for surgery and explain the different options available. For example, a lower body lift may include the abdomen, buttocks, lower back, and flanks.

How do I prepare for a lower body lift?

Dr. Sawan will provide specific instructions on how to best prepare for your lower body lift. These instructions may include the following:

  • Arrange for home care: A lower body lift is an extensive surgical procedure. Patients spend at least two weeks in recovery before returning to light activities. We recommend arranging for someone to stay with you during this time to help with household tasks and provide transportation if needed.

  • Quit smoking: Smoking increases your risk of serious complications during and after lower body lift surgery. Dr. Sawan requires patients to quit smoking for several weeks before their procedure. We can provide resources to help you quit.

  • Avoid certain medications: Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements are known to increase bleeding during surgery. Be sure to tell us about all the medications you take, even over-the-counter drugs. Our team will let you know which ones to avoid in the weeks leading up to your procedure.

  • Maintain a steady weight: Additional weight loss after body lift surgery can cause loose skin to stretch out again, ruining your results. For this reason, we recommend maintaining a stable weight that is close to your goal weight before surgery.

Learn about lower body lifts

Now that you know more about lower body lift surgery, we hope you feel better equipped to make a decision about cosmetic surgery in Oklahoma City. Patients considering this procedure are encouraged to call Sawan Surgical Aesthetics for an assessment and consultation. Dr. Kamal Sawan will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your needs and helps you achieve your desired shape.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.