Will My Defined Abs Last Long After HD Liposuction Treatment?
Do you spend hours working on your abs each week without ever getting the chiseled, shredded look you’re going for? If so, you’re not alone. Achieving well-defined abs can be exceptionally difficult – if not impossible – thanks to a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, and stubborn fat cells. While traditional liposuction can certainly be useful in removing stubborn fat, HD liposuction takes things one step further by offering patients the opportunity to sculpt and define their muscles more precisely than ever. At Sawan Surgical Aesthetics in Oklahoma City, OK, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan performs this specialized procedure to help patients get more visible muscle definition in classically challenging areas, including the abs. In the blog below, you’ll learn more about what kind of results you can expect with HD liposuction and, perhaps more importantly, how long your new look may last.
What’s the best way to get a six pack?
If you’re like many people hoping to get six-pack abs, you probably follow a strict diet and dedicate much of your exercise routine to crunches or sit-ups. While these healthy habits are essential for building and strengthening the ab muscles, they do not always result in the visible definition that a person is hoping for. Oftentimes, a stubborn layer of fat above the muscles conceals well-defined muscles beneath it, which can understandably be discouraging. For patients who have exhausted traditional diet and exercise efforts without reaching their desired outcome, HD liposuction may be a fitting solution.
How does HD lipo give you better muscle definition?
Much like traditional liposuction, HD lipo involves the insertion of a handheld cannula beneath the skin and the subsequent removal of stubborn fat cells with suction technology. However, HD liposuction – also known as high-def liposuction – utilizes specialized equipment and a strategic approach that allows the surgeon to meticulously remove fat cells between muscle groups more precisely than ever. With this approach, patients can achieve well-defined lines and contours. HD liposuction is often used by men to create more visible muscle definition in the following areas:
- Face/chin/neck
- Chest
- Abs
- Arms
- Calves
How long does HD lipo for the abs last?
Patients considering HD ab sculpting will be excited to learn that the fat cells removed during the procedure will not return to the body. However, fat cells remaining in the body can become enlarged with weight gain. New fat cells can also be generated. For this reason, patients should be committed to maintaining a stable weight through diet and exercise following treatment in order to preserve their new look for as long as possible. Additionally, patients should continue a dedicated fitness routine to keep their abs toned, further adding to their sculpted physique. With a stable weight and a consistent exercise regimen, the results of HD ab etching can last for many, many years to come.
Get shredded this season with HD liposuction in Oklahoma City, OK
With the summer months upon us, there’s no better time to finally shed that stubborn layer of fat and get the shredded six pack you’ve always wanted. To learn more about the striking new look that may be possible for you with HD liposuction, call Sawan Surgical Aesthetics to schedule your private consultation with top Oklahoma City board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kamal Sawan today.